Anchoring Hover Menus to Scrollable Elements

December 28, 2023 | 12 minutes

It's common to build user interfaces that contain a list of items where each item can have a set of actions applied to it. For example, maybe you're rendering a list of content items in a CMS and need to allow users to edit the items. Displaying lists of items with repetitive links can become visually overwhelming and distracting, especially if there are many rows on the screen at a time.

  • Manicotti
  • Spaghetti
  • Lasagna
  • Pizza
  • Lemon Chicken

One solution for this problem is to present a menu with relevant links when hovering over a row. The positioning can be a little tricky, though, if the row is within a scrollable element. This blog post will walk through one approach to solving the problem with React, JavaScript methods, and some basic math by building the example below.

  • Manicotti
  • Spaghetti
  • Lasagna
  • Pizza
  • Lemon Chicken

Thinking about Element Positioning

To anchor a menu to a scrollable list item on hover, we first need to determine which element the hover menu should be anchored to. In our example, we'll be creating a structure that follows the diagram below.

Diagram of HTML structure for the scrolling div with hover menu
Diagram of HTML structure for the scrolling div with hover menu.
Note: Spaces between elements are for diagram clarity, but don't actually exist in the HTML.

At the outermost layer, we'll have a div element with the class wrapper that has position: relative. Within this div, we'll have two other div elements:

  • A div with the class scrollingDiv that has overflow-y: scroll along with a fixed height. This div will render a list of items.
  • A div with the class hoverMenu that has position: absolute. This will be used as our hover menu.

Each list item (aka, row) will move up and down within the scrollingDiv element as you scroll. The rows are the elements that we want to anchor the hover menu to, meaning that when you hover over a row, the hover menu should appear over that row.

Diagram of hover menu on hovered row in scrolled div
Diagram of hover menu on hovered row in scrolled div

Which element should we position the menu relative to, so that it appears over the correct row?

To position the hover menu over the row that's being hovered, we need to position it relative to the parent wrapper element. By using the closest parent element with position: relative that contains both the scrollingDiv element and the hover menu, we can ensure that the menu position is contained within the dimensions of the scrollableDiv (assuming the wrapper element is the same size, as it is in our example). Otherwise, the menu would be positioned relative to the window, which would cause undesired positioning behavior. The difference between the row and the wrapper element will give us the distance to position the hover menu from the top and left of the wrapper element.

Calculation needed to get hover menu position
Calculation needed to get hover menu position

Building a Scrolling Div with a Hover Menu

To start, let's build the general structure for our scrolling div with a hover menu component.

1import React from "react";
3// Sample data to render in the scrolling div
4const data = [{
5    id: 1,
6    title: "Manicotti",
7}, {
8    id: 2,
9    title: "Spaghetti",
10}, {
11    id: 3,
12    title: "Lasagna",
13}, {
14    id: 4,
15    title: "Pizza",
16}, {
17    id: 5,
18    title: "Lemon Chicken"
21export const ScrollingDivWithHoverMenu = ({ data }) => {
22    return (
23        <div className="wrapper">
24            <div className="scrollingDiv">
25                <ul>
26                    { => {
27                        return (
28                            <li className="item" key={}>
29                                {item.title}
30                            </li>
31                        );
32                    })}
33                </ul>
34            </div>
36            <div className="hoverMenu">
37                <button onClick={() => alert('Adding a description')}>✏️ Add a Description</button>
38            </div>
39        </div>
40    )

The component also needs some styles to render properly.

1.wrapper {
2    position: relative;
3    width: 500px;
6.scrollingDiv {
7    width: 100%;
8    height: 200px;
9    overflow-y: scroll;
10    border: 1px solid #000000;
11    display: flex;
12    flex-direction: column;
15.scrollingDiv ul {
16    list-style: none;
17    padding: 0;
18    margin: 0;
21.scrollingDiv .item {
22    border-bottom: 1px dotted #000000;
23    padding: 1rem 1rem 1.5rem;
24    font-size: 1rem;
25    margin: 0;
28.scrollingDiv .item:last-child {
29    border-bottom: none;
32.scrollingDiv .item:hover {
33    background-color: #999999;
34    color: #ffffff;
37.hoverMenu {
38    display: none;
39    position: absolute;

So far, this is a pretty simple component. There are a few styles that are key to setting up the hover menu functionality, though:

  • The combination of the overflow-y: scroll and height: 200px rules for the scrollingDiv class makes the div with that class a scrollable container if its children have a height greater than 200px.
  • The position: relative rule on the wrapper class and the position: absolute rule on the hoverMenu class will make it so that when we eventually set the top and right properties on the hoverMenu element, the element will position itself at the top and right values relative to to the wrapper element.
  • The wrapper class has a fixed width set so that when the hover menu is positioned, it's positioned within the width of the wrapper element instead of the width of the page (the default since the wrapper is a block element). The scrollingDiv fills 100% of the parent wrapper element.
  • To start, the hoverMenu has display: none set so that it's not in the DOM. We'll update this property so that the element displays when a row or the menu itself is hovered.

Adding State for Showing and Positioning the Hover Menu

We'll need to use state variables to show, hide, and position the hover menu. Let's update the component to include these state variables and set related inline styles on the hover menu. The position will be an (x, y) coordinate and will be stored as an object with the type { x: number, y: number }.

1import React, { useState } from "react";
3export const ScrollingDivWithHoverMenu = ({ data }) => {
4    const [showMenu, setShowMenu] = useState(false);
6    // Initially set the menu position to the top left corner of
7    // the wrapper element
8    const [menuPosition, setMenuPosition] = useState({ x: 0, y: 0 });
10    return (
11        <div className="wrapper">
12            <div className="scrollingDiv">
13                <ul>
14                    { => {
15                        return (
16                            <li className="item" key={}>
17                                {item.title}
18                            </li>
19                        );
20                    })}
21                </ul>
22            </div>
24            <div
25                className="hoverMenu"
26                style={{
27                    display: showMenu ? "block" : "none",
28                    top: menuPosition.y,
29                    right: menuPosition.x
30                }}
31            >
32                <button onClick={() => alert('Adding a description')}>✏️ Add a Description</button>
33            </div>
34        </div>
35    )

On the hoverMenu element, we use inline styles for the display, top, and right values so that we can change them with JavaScript based on a user's interactions with the component. For now, nothing will look different in the UI.

Create a Ref for the Wrapper Element

When we calculate the position for the hover menu, we'll need to be able to get the position of the wrapper element so we can factor it into the calculations. To do this the React way, we need to create a ref for the wrapper element.

1import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
3export const ScrollingDivWithHoverMenu = ({ data }) => {
4    const wrapperElement = useRef(null);
5    const [showMenu, setShowMenu] = useState(false);
7    // Initially set the menu position to the top left corner of
8    // the wrapper element
9    const [menuPosition, setMenuPosition] = useState({ x: 0, y: 0 });
11    return (
12        <div className="wrapper" ref={wrapperElement}>
13            <div className="scrollingDiv">
14                <ul>
15                    { => {
16                        return (
17                            <li className="item" key={}>
18                                {item.title}
19                            </li>
20                        );
21                    })}
22                </ul>
23            </div>
25            <div
26                className="hoverMenu"
27                style={{
28                    display: showMenu ? "block" : "none",
29                    top: menuPosition.y,
30                    right: menuPosition.x
31                }}
32            >
33                <button onClick={() => alert('Adding a description')}>✏️ Add a Description</button>
34            </div>
35        </div>
36    )

Updating the Hover Menu Position on Hover

Now, let's implement the position logic. We need to create an event handler that will be called by the onMouseOver event on the scrollingDiv element. The event handler will:

  • Call the getBoundingClientRect() method on the hovered row (i.e., the event target) and on the wrapper element. This will get the width, height, top, right, bottom, and left positions of each element.
  • Determine the (x, y) coordinate for the menu based on the relevant properties from the getBoundingClientRect() values for the hovered row and the wrapper element.
1import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
3export const ScrollingDivWithHoverMenu = ({ data }) => {
4    const wrapperElement = useRef(null);
5    const [showMenu, setShowMenu] = useState(false);
7    // Initially set the menu position to the top left corner of
8    // the wrapper element
9    const [menuPosition, setMenuPosition] = useState({ x: 0, y: 0 });
11    const updateMenuPosition = (event) => {
12        // We can't get the position of the wrapper until it's rendered
13        // and without it, we can't position the menu
14        if (!wrapperElement.current) {
15            return;
16        }
18        const { current: wrapper } = wrapperElement;
19        const hoveredRowRect =;
20        const wrapperRect = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect();
22        // Optional based on how you want to position the menu relative to the row
23        const padding = 20;
25        setMenuPosition({
26            x: hoveredRowRect.left - wrapperRect.left + padding,
27            y: - + padding
28        });
29        setShowMenu(true);
30    };
32    return (
33        <div className="wrapper" ref={wrapperElement}>
34            <div className="scrollingDiv">
35                <ul>
36                    { => {
37                        return (
38                            <li
39                                className="item"
40                                key={}
41                                onMouseOver={(event) => updateMenuPosition(event)}
42                            >
43                                {item.title}
44                            </li>
45                        );
46                    })}
47                </ul>
48            </div>
50            <div
51                className="hoverMenu"
52                style={{
53                    display: showMenu ? "block" : "none",
54                    top: menuPosition.y,
55                    right: menuPosition.x
56                }}
57            >
58                <button onClick={() => alert('Adding a description')}>✏️ Add a Description</button>
59            </div>
60        </div>
61    )

In the example component, a padding value is added to the (x, y) coordinate so that the hover menu is positioned in the center of the hovered row. You can change or remove this value based on your needs.

Calculating the x-coordinate

To determine the x-coordinate, we make the following calculation:

x = hoveredRowRect.left - wrapperRect.left

In our component, you can't scroll along the x-axis. Because of the 1px border on the wrapper element, the hoveredRowRect.left value will be 1px greater than the wrapperRect.left value, so this will return 1. Here's a visual example of what we're calculating.

Visual representation of element dimensions used to calculate the x-coordinate
Visual representation of element dimensions used to calculate the x-coordinate

It should be noted that in our component, we set the right position to the x-coordinate and don't set the left position at all. This is so that the hover menu appears in the empty space to the right of the row text, but you could apply the same calculation to the left instead. We're basically telling the hover menu to be positioned 1px (plus padding) from the right edge of the wrapper element.

Calculating the y-coordinate

To determine the y-coordinate, we make the following calculation:

y = -

This calculation is more interesting because we can scroll along the y-axis. The top value of the hoveredRow element will always be greater than or equal to the top value of the wrapper element. This is because we start scrolling at the top value of the wrapper element and can only scroll to positions greater than its top value.

Visual representation of element dimensions used to calculate the y-coordinate
Visual representation of element dimensions used to calculate the y-coordinate

If we were to just use the value for the y-coordinate, then the hover menu would appear further down the page than the hovered row because we'd be setting it to the hovered row's top position relative to to the wrapper element's top position. This means that we'd essentially be making this calculation, +, which would generate a y-coordinate greater than the hovered row's top value. Here's an example of setting the y-coordinate to just the value; try scrolling and hovering over the rows to see the poor hover menu positioning.

  • Manicotti
  • Spaghetti
  • Lasagna
  • Pizza
  • Lemon Chicken

Hiding the Hover Menu

We probably don't want the hover menu to remain permanently visible after we hover over a row. It would be better to hide the menu again when either the wrapper element and its children are no longer hovered, the row loses hover, or we begin scrolling.

To do this, we'll add the following:

  • An onMouseLeave event on the hovered row that calls an event handler to selectively hide the menu
  • An onMouseLeave event from the wrapper element that calls setShowMenu(false)
  • An onScroll event from the scrollingDiv element that calls setShowMenu(false) to prevent awkward interim menu positioning while you scroll
1import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
3export const ScrollingDivWithHoverMenu = ({ data }) => {
4    const wrapperElement = useRef(null);
5    const [showMenu, setShowMenu] = useState(false);
7    // Initially set the menu position to the top left corner of
8    // the wrapper element
9    const [menuPosition, setMenuPosition] = useState({ x: 0, y: 0 });
11    const updateMenuPosition = (event) => {
12        // We can't get the position of the wrapper until it's rendered
13        // and without it, we can't position the menu
14        if (!wrapperElement.current) {
15            return;
16        }
18        const { current: wrapper } = wrapperElement;
19        const hoveredRowRect =;
20        const wrapperRect = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect();
22        // Optional based on how you want to position the menu relative to the row
23        const padding = 20;
25        setMenuPosition({
26            x: hoveredRowRect.left - wrapperRect.left + padding,
27            y: - + padding
28        });
29        setShowMenu(true);
30    };
32    const hideMenu = () => {
33        // Shouldn't hide the menu if you're hovering over it
34        if (showMenu) {
35            return;
36        }
38        setShowMenu(false);
39    };
41    return (
42        <div
43            className="wrapper"
44            ref={wrapperElement}
45            onMouseLeave={() => setShowMenu(false)}
46        >
47            <div
48                className="scrollingDiv"
49                onScroll={() => setShowMenu(false)}
50            >
51                <ul>
52                    { => {
53                        return (
54                            <li
55                                className="item"
56                                key={}
57                                onMouseOver={(event) => updateMenuPosition(event)}
58                                onMouseLeave={() => hideMenu()}
59                            >
60                                {item.title}
61                            </li>
62                        );
63                    })}
64                </ul>
65            </div>
67            <div
68                className="hoverMenu"
69                style={{
70                    display: showMenu ? "block" : "none",
71                    top: menuPosition.y,
72                    right: menuPosition.x
73                }}
74            >
75                <button onClick={() => alert('Adding a description')}>✏️ Add a Description</button>
76            </div>
77        </div>
78    )

Within the hideMenu event handler, we only call the setShowMenu function if showMenu isn't currently true. This keeps the menu open when you move from hovering over the row to hovering over the menu. Without that check, the menu flickers when you try to hover over the menu.

We now have a hover menu that appears and positions itself on top of the row being hovered.

  • Manicotti
  • Spaghetti
  • Lasagna
  • Pizza
  • Lemon Chicken

Complete Example

Here's a CodeSandbox with all of the code for the finished component.